Funding for Zootechnics

Types of funding | Conditions | Activities and equipment accepted

What types of funding are available at the moment?

  • Non-refundable grants (grant / subsidy)
  • Loans with a grant (credit + grant)
  • Loans to advantageous conditions (no%, low%)


Who can access these funding?

  • Willing to initiate or develop a business
  • Young people aged 18 to 35 years
  • Women who want to start a business

What activities and equipment are supported?

  • Construction / reconstruction, equipment and technological renovation of zootechnical farms
  • Procurement of breeding animals
  • Primary / finished processing, packaging, refrigeration, freezing, processing and storage, including analysis, of meat, milk and honey
  • Construction / reconstruction and renovation of infrastructure related to agricultural holdings
  • Procurement of conventional agricultural machinery and equipment (tractors, combines, other agricultural machinery and equipment)
  • Purchase of no-till and mini-up equipment
  • Recovery of interest (%) on credit
  • Producer Group activity
  • Promoting export products
  • To consolidate (merge) agricultural land
  • Expenses for business plan development, training courses, assistance

Apply now for a consultation and get the financing for your business as soon as possible. We are ready to act!

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